Dive into the astonishing world of the small and unseen with your own high-quality microscope!
Designed with a strong metal body, three powerful objective lenses, a sturdy U-stage with easy-to-use stage clips, and an LED illuminator that flips to become a mirror (for when you want to use natural light)…
Everything about this microscope feels like a professional piece of scientific equipment.
Get started with one of the five prepared slides – Pollen, apple, broad bean leaf, and more. Simply slide it under the stage clips, switch on the illuminator, and look through the lens.
The large knob turns smoothly to let you easily adjust the focus until – GASP! – Suddenly you’re looking down at the amazingly clear image of something you could’ve never before seen with your naked eye!
Instantly the imagination is inspired.
Continue exploring and following the instruction manual to grow a colony of brine shrimp and watch them hatch, grow, and thrive under the microscope.
Learn how to make your own slides for viewing almost anything you can imagine – Salt crystals, potato fibers, hair fibers, or even microbial LIFE.
With the Celestron Kids Microscope Kit, the entire world is your scientific exploration playground!
Celestron Kids Microscope Kit with Case