Enjoy the vibrant thrill of painting without the dread of cleaning it all up!
For parents of young artists, painting can be a nightmare. – Perilous water cups, messy paintbrushes, smocks, paint splattered on every surface imaginable…
You’re eventually left wishing “art” had never been invented!
Not anymore – Pick up these twelve tempera paint pens and all of that worry and stress suddenly melts away for good.
How do they work? Just uncap, twist, and start painting!
The quick-dry paint dries in just ninety seconds (even less mess!), there’s no water required (say goodbye to that topsy-turvy water cup!), and you can paint on anything, including poster paper, cardboard, wood, and canvas.
It’s a creativity dream come true!
Give your worried mind a rest while letting creativity soar to whole new heights with this set of twelve Kwik Stix Solid Tempera Paint pens.
Kwik Stix Solid Tempera Paint – 12 count