Yum! yum! Breakfast, lunch and supper? Yes, yes, and YES!
Set a play kitchen up the right way – stocked with tasty food for anytime of day. A bagel for breakfast, macaroni for lunch and a delicious sandwich for supper. Kids play all day long.
A plate full of learning and fun! 20 pieces of easily recognizable food – A bowl of cereal and a bowl of macaroni, hot dog in a bun, two slices of bread, carrot, bagel, cookie, apple, banana, muffin and muffin wrapper, blueberries, two slices of cheese, juice box, yogurt cup, orange and two spoons to eat it all up!
Healthy eating is encouraged without any words by parents!
Little chefs get busy serving up meals for themselves, playmates, and family. Picnics are set in place for stuffed animals and dolls. Munch It, My Very Own Play Food is munch, munch fun!
New Sprouts Munch It! My Very Own Play Food